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Our project


Erasmus+ - Key Action 2: 
Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices  Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only


Duration: from 01/09/2015 to 01/09/2018


The main problem that the project wants to solve is that mathematical knowledge of students is too theoretical and teachers  lack innovative and effective teaching methods.

Mathematics is one of the basic subjects needed for everyday functioning. The effectiveness of teaching Maths in partner countries is of diverse nature which can be confirmed by TIMSS surveys  (, yet we have the same problems with practical application of Maths.  Discussions with maths teachers and results of surveys conducted locally show that students have problems with interpreting data, graphs and simple databases. They cannot apply maths knowledge gained at school in everyday situations, though they can solve problems in exam/test papers (e.g. Polish exams for 6th graders). Students  can’t see universality of maths and its close connection to other fields of science that is why they have problems with practical skills like statistics, probability, business skills which they could use to solve problems  creatively. However, they are more and more demanding and traditional methods used at school aren’t  very effective and do not appeal to young computer-hungry minds. So we need to introduce and test innovative methods, such as Inquiry-Based Method, SCRATCH programming language  and make use of logical games and strategy-based tasks during lessons. Teachers find it difficult to show the importance of practical Maths in a way which would appeal to or be attractive to young students who live in technology-oriented world as there are few multimedia educational programmes that could be attractive for young minds and stimulate them to perceive maths problems practically. So through computer programmes and languages, using videos involving peer teaching and great support from the experienced German partner, students will get more interested and teachers develop their competence.

Traditional organization of classwork makes it difficult for teachers to organize out-of-classroom activities and events. Project activities will be a grassroot initiative triggering off new approach and  changes in maths curriculum to make it more practical. Inequality in achievement between girls and boys (boys are better in all partner countries TIMSS results) will be lessened by constructing the activities that will be attractive and efficient to both genders. In our project boys and girls will be given the same opportunities to develop maths and problem solving skills.

Our target groups are students and Maths and IT teachers from schools that are far from scientific centres which could inspire teachers and students alike. As German partner has great experience in implementing innovative methods and strategies and also cooperates with scientific centres, they’ll serve as tutors and share knowledge and  competence with project target groups.

The project will make it easier for target groups to exchange ideas and practical experience through transnational meetings as each partner to the project comes from different economic background, has different facilities but shares the same objective of increasing student scientific knowledge and enhancing  their further scientific education.

The international cooperation is necessary as German partner has already implemented effective educational programmes which other partners can benefit from.  Moreover, successful ideas of other partners that have been carried out on local or regional level will be spread internationally.

The main objective of the project is to enhance students practical maths knowledge to be applied in other fields of science and everyday situations


  • Developing basic and transversal skills using innovative methods

  • Effective strategies for enhancing basic skills


Specific Objectives:

Students will:
- gain practical maths knowledge that can be implemented in everyday life  (e.g. probability, statistics, calculations within home budget)
- realize the importance of maths or its influence on other scientific fields (e.g.  IT, geography)
- get more involved in practical maths tasks thanks to innovative and effective approach
- boost their self-esteem through peer-to-peer tools and become more aware of  knowledge they have


Teachers will
- gain necessary competence and tools to teach practical maths effectively  through shared experience,
- work out innovative and effective methods, tools  and lesson plans to meet demands of modern technology oriented world,

Through mobilities students and teachers will develop, assess and try out most effective, engaging and creative methods and interactive maths games.  SCRATCH language, innovative computer games or logical board games encouraging students  to ask questions will facilitate practical application of Maths.

There will be created a multimedia teaching aid base available to all partners and anyone interested in practical maths teaching.

Through interactive and target group-tailored games and tasks, girls and boys will become equally involved in solving maths problems and become equally successful.


The project is innovative because:

- an inquiry-based method will be introduced

the above method involves developing questioning, research and communication skills, solving problems or creating solutions, collaborating within and beyond the classroom, developing deep understanding of content knowledge, participating in the public creation and improvement of ideas and knowledge;

- students will be taught  how to apply maths knowledge in everyday life situations

- young students will teach their peers through peer-to-peer method (demonstrative and instructive short videos) how to apply their maths knowledge in practice (e.g. calculating how long will it take to burn off a fast food meal)

- students from Evangelische Fachschule fuer Sozialpedagogik will be testing new methods on younger project participants and gaining new competences at the same time

- it will trigger off  creative thinking by designing innovative teaching aids, like new computer games, logical board games and other materials created by teachers during the project implementation period to be exchanged and used by teachers and students alike

- it will enhance the quality and European dimension of teaching methods and knowledge implementation through inquiry based method and cooperation with the experienced partner from Germany

- it will stimulate reasoning skills by designing innovative maths games and developing creative problem solving skills

- it will educate and stimulate young students to use their scientific skills in practice and share their practical knowledge through different channels like self-prepared videos, project final products like board games and comic stripes and out-of-classroom games

- it will consist in intercultural education on innovative maths methods and tools in countries  with different economic and cultural background

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